Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Problem with the Paper Industry Today

It's not often that I disagree with the Schrute Army's fearless four star general, Michael Scott...However, I came across this article, and it gives me no choice.

The problem with the paper industry IS NOT Toby Flinderson...The problem is the wholesaling mother effing consolidators like Doffice Oepot, undercutting the hard working men & young adults of companies like Dunder Mifflin.

The whole article can be found on SlickDeals

But here is the problem with Office Depot's customer service:
I called 3 times at first trying to get a price match from staples, but since the Staple's website shows it as $79.99 although it is only $70 if you call in and give them your zip code. I told the OD sales rep. to call 1800-3Staple. But all 3 rep's told me every time they called they were disconnected by the machine, which I seem to find it very strange because everytime I call, it only takes me 30 seconds or less to get someone. And each time I was put on hold by the 3 people, the hold time was at least 15 min. each, meaning they must have been conversing with each other because they told me they can only price match AS LONG AS OD's actual cost is higher (note: this is not stated anywhere in their policy). Then I called a 4th time, now asking for a manager, but they won't let me talk to him w/o explaining the situation to the sales person, but obvoiusly they won't let me since they know my situation. So after arguing with her she tells me to hold on since she will direct me, but after about 20 min. of waiting I get hung up on. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO TALK TO A MANAGER!?

So I called a 5th time, and explained my situation, finally I get a hold of the manager and he tells me the only thing they can do is look up their website's price since they keep on saying the 1800 number kicks them off. So I ask them to call a local store in my zipcode and he tells me to hold on while he does it. 10 min. later he says he can't make that call because the system won't let him. Then I ask him for the number he tried calling (my local staples), and he says "I don't know." WHAT THE fark, how can he not know if he just tried calling?!?!?!?!?! Then he tells me HE didn't make the call, and so I ask him to get the number from the person that called. Then he tells me he does NOT know WHO MADE THE CALL!!!! Then I tell him to look up a local staple's number from their website to call, and he says to hold on, and hangs up on me!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!

Sales Thought for the Week: KISS

-Michael Scott, Regional Manager Dunder Mifflin Paper Co. (Scranton Branch)

Saturday Football Game

Here's some footage from a local Scranton football game. The clip is kind of short and the camerawork is kind of shoddy (AKA, Mose is a friggin' idiot). If you look closely, you can catch me at the end...I'm wearing the Orange Parka.

Brainteaser of the Week

Last night Mose and I went to the Scranton Autumn Equinox Festival. Needless to say, we're both a little too hungover to blog. Instead, I henceforth challenge you with this week's brainteaser....Ryan the Temp got the answer in 7 seconds, so good luck


Question A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50."

The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less.

In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Recipe of the Week

Beet Pie!
Red for Valentine’s Day

Makes a 10” Pie, Preheat oven to 350.
1 Unbaked 10” pie shell, chilled.

2 lbs. Fresh beet
1/2 t. nutmeg
1 1/4 c. heavy cream
1 1/4 c. milk
1/2 vanilla bean
1/2 c. sugar
3 whole eggs plus 3 egg yolks, lightly beaten

1. Cut tops off beets leaving 1 inch of stems. Boil ‘til tender. Remove from heat and cool. Slip skins off and coarsely grate them by hand, stir in nutmeg and set aside.

2. Combine cream, milk and vanilla bean in heavy pan, simmer for 5 minutes, remove vanilla bean.

3. Using a mixer, beat the sugar with eggs and egg yolks until light and fluffy. Gradually add the hot cream-milk mixture, beating constantly. Strain mixture into large bowl and stir in beets, mixing well. Pour into shell. Bake 55-60 minutes. Until filling is set. Eat warm or room temp.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

WTF Are the Peanut M&Ms????

Are You Kidding Me?

Today one of my coworkers (who shall remain nameless.....) said, "Why can't cheesecake be sugar free." That's like asking why beets can't grow in a semi-arid/quite-arid climate, except in the valleys of Minnesota, or why the Schrutes have exceptional immune systems. "What an idiot.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I am the leading salesman at Dunder Mifflin Paper Co., Scranton. I am also the Assistant Regional Manager at said branch. Ergo, I DO NOT have time to post every second of everyday. Sometimes I have my cousin Muse post for me...However, that is a secret, as he posts under my name on Schrute Space. Tell anyone, and I will be forced to thrash you. Latest post by Muse Schrute.

Quote of the Day

And on the 8th day, God said: "Let there be paper." And it was good.